J'aimerais savoir s'il est possible de se procurer un tel stimulateur, avec ces courants + élevés...? afin de pouvoi l'utiliser chez soi ?
Voici les infos recues a propos du stimulateur. Malheureusement ils n'ont pas de distributeur en France. Il faut donc le commander en Autriche, et puis il y a une assistance medicale necessaire.
Contact :
Mag. Gudrun Schuhfried
Dr. Schuhfried Medizintechnik GmbH
Van Swieten-Gasse 10
A-1090 Wien
Tel: +43 1 405 42 06 21
Fax:+43 1 405 44 64
www.schuhfriedmed.atPrix :
stimulette cx 2383,67 Euro
4 x 100 electrodes: 12,72 =50,88 Euro
4 x 100 eponges: 2,40 x 4 = 9,60
cable: 53,50
Bande elastique: 5,70 eurox 4= 22,80
valise portable: 19,75 euro
Prix total [exclu TVA]: 2.540,20
Remarque importante ; il faut d'abord rencontrer un medecin a l'hopital
Wilhelminen a Vienne pour pouvoir acheter la 'stimulette". c'est le medecin qui decidera si le stimulateur peut aider le patient ou pas.
PS : nous transfererons ce message dans la partie reeducation/therapie du forum tres bientot.
Version originale
Dear Corinne,
sorry, we do not have a distributor in France. Medical assistance is necessary. Normally people come to the Wilhelminenhospital in Vienna. There are doctors specialized for this and they can estimate if the unit is helpfull for you and if it does they programm it for you.
If you wish I can give you the e-mail adress of a doctor of Wilhelminenspital.
Mag. Gudrun Schuhfried
Dr. Schuhfried Medizintechnik GmbH
Van Swieten-Gasse 10
A-1090 Wien
Tel: +43 1 405 42 06 21
Fax:+43 1 405 44 64
www.schuhfriedmed.at --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Von: corinne jeanmaire [mailto:corinnejeanmaire@hotmail.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2006 15:50
An: Mag. Gudrun GS. Schuhfried
Betreff: RE: Stimulette Cx
dear Sir,
thanks for this offer. In case some people would like to order, what would be the procedure ? Is there any distributor in France ? if not, is there any added cost for transportation ? is there any medical assistance needed prior to ordering or prior to the first use of the equipment ?
thanks. corinne jeanmaire
Blog :
www.corinne4cureParalysis.blogspot.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: "Mag. Gudrun GS. Schuhfried" <g.schuhfried@schuhfriedmed.at>
To: <corinnejeanmaire@hotmail.com>
Subject: Stimulette Cx
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 08:45:57 +0200

Dear Corinne Jeanmaire,
thank you for your e-mail. The price of